Researching Precariousness across the Paid/Unpaid Work Continuum

I was a post-doc in this project while Valeria Pulignano is the PI. Project analysises unpaid labour in economic relationships (unpaid overtime, financial contributions of employees towards their work).

The research is sponsored by the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement n° 833577).

Project’s website:

Results where I was involved:
Pulignano, V., Muszyński, K., & Tapia, M. (2024). Variations of Freelancers “Effort-Bargain” Experiences in Platform Work: The Role of Skills. ILR Review, 00197939241268165.

Muszynski, K., Pulignano, V. (2024) Platform economy, self-employment and quality of work: an assessment during the COVID-19 pandemic. In Conen, W., Reuter, E. (eds.) Research Handbook on Self-Employment and Public Policy, Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 421-438.

Muszyński, K., Pulignano, V., Domecka, M., Potter, J., Halabisky, D. (2023) Entrepreneurial opportunities and working conditions of self-employed online freelancers in the platform economy: Lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic, OECD SME and Entrepreneurship Papers No. 45

Mangan, D., Muszyński, K., Pulignano, V. (2023) The platform discount: Addressing unpaid work as a structural feature of labour platforms. European Labour Law Journal 14(4): 541–569

Pulignano, V., Mara, C., Franke, L. M., & Muszyński, K. (2023). Informality of employment in digital domestic care platforms: a study on the individualization of risk and unpaid labour in mature market contexts. Transfer-European Review of Labour and Research, 29(3).

Muszyński, K., Pulignano, V., Mara, Claudia (2022) Product markets and working conditions on international and regional food delivery platforms: a study in Poland and Italy, European Journal of Industrial Relations.

Pulignano, V., Piasna, A., Domecka, M., Muszyński, K., Vermeerbergen, L. (2021) Does it pay to work? Unpaid labour in the platform economy. ETUI Policy Brief. Brussels

Muszyński, K., Pulignano, V., Domecka, M., & Mrozowicki, A. (2021). Coping with precarity during COVID‐19: A study of platform work in Poland. International Labour Review.

Pulignano, V., Domecka, M., Muszyński, K., Vermeerbergen, L., & Riemann, M.-L. (2021). Creative Labour in the Era of Covid-19: The Case of Freelancers. ETUI Working Paper. Brussels