Barriers of access to law in small and medium enterprises in Poland (2016-2022)
I was a main investigator in the project while Jan Winczorek was the PI. The project provided diagnosis of justiciable problems experienced by small and medium enterprises, patterns of their resolution, and explained why SMEs do not use the law in all circumstances where this is feasible, identifying the barriers to using law in doing business experienced by Polish SMEs. The project argued that the structure of access to justice system in Poland allowed larger enterprises to dominate the market while preventing everyone else (individuals, self-employed, smaller enterprises) from accessing justice system and exercising their rights. We also studied more profound impact of that on so called "rule of law crisis" in Poland.
The research was sponsored by Polish National Science Centre, UMO-2016/21/B/HS5/00397. Funding: 644,309 PLN (ca. 150,000 EUR)
Results where I was involved:
Winczorek, J., & Muszyński, K. (2023). Small and Medium Enterprises, Law and Business: Uncertainty and Justice. Routledge.
Winczorek, J., Muszyński, K. (2022) The access to justice gap and the rule of law crisis in Poland. Zeitschrift für Rechtssoziologie 42(1): 5-42,
Winczorek, J., Muszyński, K. (2019). Access to justice in small and medium-sized enterprises in Poland. An empirical report, Warsaw: Faculty of Law and Administration, University of Warsaw.